Stuffocating… a new word that says a lot

What is Stuffocating?

Stuffocating describes a feeling we experience during certain times in our lives when we have too much stuff to deal with and we do not know what is valuable and do not know what to do.
Tim helps people experiencing the feeling of “Stuffocating”.


The Stuffocating feeling often can happen when a family or executor is dealing with an estate when there are many items which need to be identified and sold.



The Stuffocating feeling can happen when someone is moving and down-sizing their living space and are trying to determine what to do with the items they will not be taking and have little idea what is valuable in the present market.


Inherited Items

The Stuffocating feeling often happens when someone has inherited, collected or accumulated items over the years and it fills extra room and spaces in their home (as well as rented storage space in some cases).



Some people dedicate significant energy over many years when they collect something they appreciate and enjoy. However, when a Collector is no longer collecting or a family inherits a collection, there can be a Stuffocating feeling. Finding a way to sell the collected items while having a way to look back at the collection can be very helpful.


How do you know if you’re Stuffocating?

  • You feel overwhelmed when handling the many items in an estate.
  • You feel overwhelmed when trying to figure out what to do with your “stuff” as you are down-sizing your living space.
  • Your garage and basement are filled.
  • Extra bedrooms are filled.
  • You are renting storage space.
  • Your family is complaining.

I would love to help you determine if you have valuable items filling your spaces and sell these valuable items to the great bidders we attract to our upscale auctions.

How do you know if you’re Stuffocating section

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About Tim

I am a life-long Auction Enthusiast who’s had the pleasure of working as an Auction Professional since 2008. I help people identify and sell their valuable items through our upscale auctions at Kamelot Auction House.

I have been active in the estate planning community and presently serve on the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Estate Planning Council and the Main Line Art Center. I am a Certified Senior Advisor® (CSA) and long-time Rotarian.

Many of the people I help are executors or families dealing with an estate, someone moving & downsizing their living space, and collectors who have stopped collecting.

I love what I do and have found auctions fascinating my whole life.

How I Got Started in Auctions

It all started with my father. He loved going to auctions and would often take me or one of my siblings along on his auction excursions (possibly to pretend he was helping my mom). He often took me. He later told me it was because I never complained about going.



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Jeff Rosner

“Everything went smoothly and Tim was always available to answer questions about the process.”

I used Tim’s auction house to review some items for my aunt’s estate and we ended up selling some jewelry through Kamelot. He is very good at getting back to people in a timely fashion, is very personable and a great networker as well.

Jeff Rosner, Rosner Settlement Services

Chuck Conrad

“Tim offers a courteous and professional service experience.”

He is very knowledgeable and knows how to guide you through the downsizing process. Executors looking to settle an estate will find the process to be painless. I know, like, and trust him. Use him with confidence.

Chuck Conrad, Conrad Insurance

Denis McDonald

“Tim and his company provides a valuable service to their customers.”

They are experts in the antique and auction house business. Tim can honestly tell a client what will and won’t sell. He get his clients top dollar for items they are looking to dispose, whether from downsizing or estate issues.

Denis McDonald, Fiber Clean

Robert Burnham

“Tim is a true professional who will help someone either sell their treasures or find new ones.”

Tim is one very interesting man. He has a passion for his trade, having grown up watching his father collect rare items. I’ve referred to Tim and have been thanked by my clients for doing so. I suggest you do the same.

Robert Burnham, Burnham Financial Services

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