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Auctions are Green

I have had an enthusiasm for auctions since I was a child.  The enthusiasm has continued during my experiences helping clients needing to sell their valuable items over the past 15 years.  I love the auction format and the “power of auction” through bidding with the bids [...]

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A Memorable Client

Early in my time at Kamelot, I received a wonderful referral from a realtor who later became a good friend and client. I often receive referrals from realtors helping their clients sell their home. However, in this case the referral was for a friend she had known for many years. This [...]

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A “Surprising Client”

I was referred by an estate attorney to a widower. He was down-sizing from the beautiful condo he had shared with his wife. It turned out, Kamelot and I were able to help him several times over many years. The first “surprise” was the first time I met him. He was being [...]

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Selling Everything in the Room

One of my favorite referrals came through a friend in the auction business. Her long-time friend had many outstanding items to sell. She recommended me and Kamelot as she thought the items were ideal for our auctions. Her friend was not dealing with an estate. She was not down-sizing [...]

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A Thankful Client

One Spring Day many years back, I was referred to a Main Line Suburban Philadelphia client. She was selling her 1950’s home and down-sizing.  Her home was filled with many very nice period Mid Century Modern Furniture and Furnishings.  She knew precisely which items she [...]

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