A Client Requiring Patience

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I was referred to a woman living in Central New Jersey who was executor of a family estate.  She had many items she was hoping we could handle for her and sounded like a promising opportunity.  I arranged for one of our specialists to talk with her.  However, he was unable to arrange a time to talk with her except for a very short interaction.  I heard from her several other times with the same result over the next two years.

While out and about handling holiday preparation activity on a Christmas Eve morning, I was surprised to see her call appear on my cell phone.  I truly love the end-of-year holiday season and was in a wonderful mood handling holiday errands and I picked up the call.  She was very much in the mood to talk.  She apologized for not being in touch for so long and shared that in addition to her husband passing away she also lost her brother and another family member.  She said she has had the most difficult and emotional time of her life. She talked about the challenges and about her husband and brother.  Again, I mostly listened. My patience was rewarded when she eventually turned the discussion towards the art, statues, furnishings and smaller decorative items she was hoping to sell at our auctions.

It was late morning at this point and I reminded her it was the morning of Christmas Eve. I shared that I was going to Florida for the week between the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays and was doing last minute holiday errands.  I asked if I could call her upon my return right after the new year.  She thanked me for taking her call and listening to her and said that she felt better by talking to me.

As promised, I called her upon my return from Florida and we helped her with the many items she had, which made sense for auction.  She thanked me for being kind and patient and I am happy she had items we could offer for her.

I have found that listening and being patient with auction clients makes a real difference.  It helps develop a relationship which extends beyond the basic business transaction.  In this case, I was helpful by providing some support beyond my business development role with Kamelot.

 T’was The Night Before Auction

T’was the night before auction at Kamelot’s House
There were paintings, antiques, and an old Mickey MouseChandeliers were hung from the rafters with care
We get higher bids when they’re hanging up thereThere was jewelry and silver and stained glass aglow
It was clear to see we were ready to goThe bidding started at one hundred fifty
And went up to ten thousand at auction that’s nifty

The best auctions are Kamelot and the best snow is white
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night