A “Surprising Client”

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I was referred by an estate attorney to a widower. He was down-sizing from the beautiful condo he had shared with his wife. It turned out, Kamelot and I were able to help him several times over many years.

The first “surprise” was the first time I met him. He was being treated during an extended stay in a hospital. He looked frail but had a twinkle in his eye and shared how he missed his wife terribly. He told me that she had decorated their home and had magnificent taste. He also knew their valuable items and how much they are worth because he already had an appraisal at home to show me.

The second “surprise” was when I shared that their 1990’s replacement cost insurance appraisal was helpful in describing their valuables but did not provide present market value or a valid auction estimate now.

I initially worked with him through his son with help from his granddaughter. We evaluated the items which he wanted to sell and agreed to many items including sculptures, masks, beautiful furniture, carved bowls, valuable oil paintings and highlighted by several Picasso pieces and a Joan Miro color etching.

On pick-up day with the movers coming very soon, there was another “surprise”, our client’s daughter arrived and was clearly upset about the items her father was selling. His son called and said “Dad, she is at it again. I cannot work with her.” After a brief phone conversation he left.

As calmly as I could appear, I talked to his daughter and explained we had several discussions with her father and reviewed the arrangement we made with him. I explained the moving company was coming momentarily and her father was paying for this pickup by the hour and asked, “What are you concerned about?” As we talked a bit further I said to her, “You seem to know your father’s items pretty well … I am hoping you can help me. Here is the list by room. If you can direct the movers and record the items as they are moved, it will save time and save your father money. Should you have any questions, we will set those items aside and talk with your father.” She accepted, was a big help, and did not set aside any items.

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On auction day, our client and his son arrived and to my great surprise he looked great… dressed handsomely, walking fast and smiling with the same enthusiastic twinkle is his eye he had at the hospital. If he hadn’t been with his son, I might not have recognized him!

He called me numerous times over the years when he moved again or wanted to sell another item. Each time talked about his wife and her magnificent taste. He told me during every visit and most phone conversations over those years. “Timmy, I wish you could have met her. You would have loved her”.