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The Importance of Listening

I have been going to auctions since childhood, but early in my auction career, I was referred to a widow who was down-sizing and significantly changed my perspective on auctions. Her home felt too big to live in by herself now that her children were grown, and the emotion she [...]

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A Truly Special Client and a Very Tight Schedule

I was asked many times this past December if I am busy with clients during the year-end holidays.  Kamelot and most auction houses are typically closed for that week and I have not received a great many inquiries between Christmas and New Year’s over the years. There is typically [...]

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A Client Requiring Patience

I was referred to a woman living in Central New Jersey who was executor of a family estate.  She had many items she was hoping we could handle for her and sounded like a promising opportunity.  I arranged for one of our specialists to talk with her.  However, he was unable [...]

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The Power of Auction

“Anticipation” and “emotion” are two words which are significant to the auction process. There is anticipation among buyers when they are bidding on an item they covet. Both anticipation and emotion build as auction day draws near for many buyers. Emotion is often clear [...]

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Downsizing with Flair

I have received many professional referrals for downsizing clients over the years. They regularly come from Senior Move Managers, Professional Organizers. High End & Senior Focused Realtors as well as Financial Planning Professionals. The woman I was referred to in this story [...]

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